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We offer a range of specialised consultancy services to Special and Mainstream schools, Early Intervention services and private organisations.


These include but are not limited to:

  • within classroom observation and recommendations

  • whole school strategic planning and implementation

  • modelling of communication strategies within the classroom

  • individual student assessment and recommendations

  • family meetings and training


Consultative input provides specific detailed recommendations on approaches, strategies and resources on a whole school, whole classroom or individual student basis. Support is best provided alongside families and other health care professionals involved with the individual/s.


Creating accessible school communities is a strong interest of Haylee Parfett Speech Pathology and practical ideas, resources and educational opportunities can be recommended to support the development of these supportive environments. This type of input is most useful to Senior Management Teams of Early Intervention and Special School settings.


Resources that have been developed through experience in special school settings can be shared on the following topics:

  • data collection and tracking

  • referral processes and documentation

  • evaluation procedures

  • training resources and information

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