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About Us

Haylee Parfett Speech Pathology (HPSP) believe that every individual has the right to communicate and has the potential to be an active learner and contributor to their varied environments. Regardless of background, previous input, behavioural, sensory or learning challenges every person should be given the opportunities to learn to communicate.


HPSP are a small team of highly qualified and experienced therapists. We have completed additional training in Augmentative and Alternative Communication and are committed to delivering comprehensive, evidence based and clinically informed practices.


HPSP therapists also work consultatively with local Speech Pathologists to upskill and support AAC assessment, prescription and implementation.  


Haylee Parfett

Director and Certified Practising Speech Pathologist

Tuesday, Wednesday and alternating Thursdays

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Haylee has a strong passion for working with children and young adults who have complex communication needs associated with physical, intellectual, behavioural and/or sensory impairments. She believes that everyone has a right to communicate, and is committed to delivering high quality, evidence based Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) interventions. Haylee works closely with families, carers, educators and school leadership teams to implement robust language systems to enable functional and autonomous communication for all. 


Haylee has worked  with toddlers, children, adolescents and young adults with severe and multiple disabilities including Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, Global Developmental Delay, Cri du Chat Syndrome, Rett Syndrome, Prada-Willie Syndrome, Down Syndrome, Angelman Syndrome and rare genetic conditions.  Haylee is particularly interested in supporting Autism Special Schools and Special Schools to develop strategies and frameworks for developing whole school communication accessible environments.


Haylee is a Certified and Practising Speech Pathologist with Speech Pathology Australia. She has completed additional training in PECS, PROMPT, Key Word Sign, Auslan and Hanen: More Than Words. Haylee is a sought after presenter in Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display (PODD) Communication books and has delivered Workshops on PODD and AAC throughout Europe and Australia. Haylee has presented papers at the 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2022 AGOSCI National Conferences and the 2016 and 2018 International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC) Conferences


In her down time Haylee enjoys spending time with her husband and two young boys.  She loves going to the gym, for long walks and catching up with close friends and family over a wine or two!



Kelly Pearce

Certified Practising Speech Pathologist

Tuesday and Wednesday

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Kelly initially completed a Bachelor of Education (Primary) and taught for a number of years including four years in London.  Upon returning to Australia, Kelly completed a Master of Speech Pathology in 2009 and is a Certified Practising Speech Pathologist.  Since graduating as a Speech Pathologist she has worked in school settings and early intervention for children with a wide range of disabilities including global developmental delay, Down syndrome, Prader Willi syndrome, Dravet syndrome and children with an acquired brain injury.


Kelly has spent the last 6 years working with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Kelly has additional training in The Hanen Centre programs ‘It Takes Two to Talk’ and ‘More than Words’ and has run a number of these programs with groups of families.  She has trained in Sensory Oral Sequential (SOS) Approach to Feeding, Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) and Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) and has training in PODD, Key Word Sign (KWS), Talking Mats and Karen Stagnitti Play Program.  Kelly regularly attends special interest groups to continue her professional development and enjoys supervising new graduate speech pathologists.


Kelly has worked with children who require alternative and augmentative means of communication (AAC) including Proloquo2Go, LAMP Words for Life, PECS, Aided Language Displays (ALD's) and PODD.  She has also worked with children and their families to successfully develop and maintain skills in feeding.


Kelly adopts a family-centered, strength-based and functional approach to working with children and their family and is passionate about assisting the child and family to achieve positive outcomes for their everyday living.


Claire Montague

Certified Practising Speech Pathologist

Tuesday - Thursday

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Claire is a Speech Pathologist who is passionate about helping people to find their voice through alternative communication methods. Claire believes that everyone has the right to communicate and with support, everyone can improve their ability to communicate.


Claire completed a Bachelor of Health Sciences/Masters of Speech Pathology in 2012. She has worked with people with Autism from pre-school age to young adults in both Australia and England. Claire has experience working in a special school with children and young people with complex needs such as physical disabilities or complex health needs. 


Claire has training in, and experience with providing literacy intervention and adapting literacy intervention to make it more accessible for people with complex needs. Claire has knowledge of electronic and non-electronic types of communication systems including PODD, LAMP, Key Word Sign and Unity with different types of access methods such as direct access or eye gaze. Claire has completed additional training in LAMP, Little Learners Love Literacy, Science of Language and reading (SOLAR), Key Word Sign, Auslan (level 1), PODD (including alternative access and electronic page sets training), and Talking Mats.


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